Monday, February 10 2025

The South West of Ireland is the most popular CIMG0416-001region for tourists who visit the country outside of Dublin.

If you’re ever in the South West, try and fit in a visit to Blarney Castle as well. It’s located near Cork, so it will depend on your itinerary whether or not you’ll be in the vicinity. Even if you’re not: try and squeeze it in nonetheless 🙂


Blarney Castle is an old ruined castle surrounded by CIMG0446-001beautiful, well maintained grounds.


I’d like to say that everything in Ireland is cheap.. That’s not entirely true, but for entrance fees for heritages sites this claim definitely applies.. I believe Blarney Castle is one of the most expensive sites in the entire country, and it will only cost you € 13,- without discount.. That’s not bad, now is it?


The outside walls of the castle pretty much remain intact, it’s mainly the inside that’s not fared so well throughout the ages. Some floors of the structure don’t have any floors left (What do you  call a floor that has no floor??) and the main part of the building lacks a roof.. So it’s clearly not inhabitable anymore 🙂

But having said that, exploring the castle is definitely possible and worthwhile! There are some spiral staircases still intact that can lead you all the way to the top floor, while stopping at other floors to show off several of the remaining chambers.CIMG0437-001

Once you get to the top of the building, you’ll know that it was worth the climb! You get majestic views of the surrounding area, for as far as the eye can see (or nowadays: as far as the lens can zoom). Another bonus is that the top floor also contains the Blarney
Stone. It’s rumored to improve
your eloquence if you kiss the stone, which can only be done by hanging up side down. I don’t know if that’s part of the myth, or if the Irish have just added that part of the story for a bit of craig.. CIMG0418-001
I wouldn’t put it past them 🙂

All in all Blarney Castle is a cool site that’s worth visiting. I don’t know how well you’d fare if the weather was crappy or the grounds were wet, but in the gorgeous weather I had, you can’t help but love it!





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